Monday, January 30, 2012

Environmentally Friendly: Renovation vs. New Construction

Renovating your existing house to make it 30% more efficient will essentially always remain a better bet for the environment than a new house built with the same improved efficiencies.  The extensive materials, energy, shipping, and waste required for new construction have an environmental cost that will take longer to overcome than those associated with retrofitting an existing structure.   At South Bend Heritage Foundation we are working harder than ever to increase the energy performance of the houses we renovate.  The 1920’s bungalow pictured above received hi-efficiency furnace and hot water heater, low-E windows, blown cellulose insulation in all the wall cavities, and 2” of rigid foam over the entire roof deck. 

So when thinking about your next housing adventure consider renovation instead of new construction. 

Making a Lifetime Investment

Nipsco is currently offering an incentive program to switch old, inefficient furnaces and water heaters to new, high efficiency units. This is a great deal to save you significant money on upgraded units as well as saving $$$ on future energy bills. If you’re thinking about an upgrade, check it out and see if you can qualify by calling 608-729-6826.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Does Your Roof Look Like?

It is sometimes difficult to know where your heating/cooling energy dollars are going without using an infrared camera. However, in the winter you can sometimes see signs of heat loss by simple observation. After a snow event, look at your roof compared to surrounding roofs. If your snow seems to melt faster that your neighbors it’s a good indication you need more attic insulation.
$$$ for thought….